I am an enthusiastic person and fascinated by life and the simple things within it.
Since childhood, I have travelled and lived in many places but surely the most important have been Rome, London and Ibiza; they definitely impacted my life journey.
All these frequent changes and moves made me constantly face new realities and meet a large variety of people making me curious about the human being.
I fell in love with art at the age of 16 thanks to my art teacher at college.
Photography came later in my life when suddenly decided to explore my dad's passion for wildlife photography. What made me push the shutter button was a picture that my dad captured and published in a famous wildlife magazine. The intensity transmitted by the eyes of the horse in that photograph made me see things differently.
This project is to show my personal journey in stepping out of the crowd and changing my perspective of modern trends in photography. The aim is to try to make people see their own life from a different perspective.
Up to this point in my life, I have been taking part in several collective exhibitions. My works have been shown in Madrid, Athens, London and at the 2nd Chania International Photo Festival 2019.